Secure REIT Forum Google Sheets Links
Your website status can be seen above the title of this page.
If you are logged out (as indicated by the message above), then you should log in. If you are logged out, the button below will prompt you to sign in. This is the button:
- If you have full access, bookmark this page and skip down to the Google Sheet links.
- If the site does not recognize your email, proceed to the very next header.
- If you have limited access, there's a quick process to get upgraded.
Note: Your account from Seeking Alpha does not automatically work here. Your account from Amazon and Netflix don't work here either.
If "sign in" doesn't work, please use "sign up" or "subscribe".
If you need help, email I will email you the instructions from this page using different (or the same) words.
I've got about 20 emails from people saying the website is wrong because they can't log into their account from Seeking Alpha here. This is NOT Seeking Alpha. Does it look awful? Does it spam you all the time? Is every page censored? Do you see "OMG Buy Alpha Picks or Premium" on every single page? Is every second "article" just an advertisement from Steven Cress showing Premium or Alpha Picks features?
How Do I Log In?
Here's two solutions:
1. See the words "sign in" in the top right corner? They work.
2. See the word "Subscribe" in a green bubble in bottom right? That works also.
Just a quick note. One of the fun things about our website is that literally everything works. I know, it's wild.
We are using this process to prevent unauthorized access to the Google Sheets. Lately, we've had too many non-members try to steal access. We're about to be done with that.
Full Access Members Were Supposed to Skip
You are ONLY doing these steps if you see "limited access" at the top of this page. It's really big. It's got bright red colors. Kind of like a fire truck with "Free" written in big letters. Really hard to miss. It's near the top. I said that, right?
Someone is still reading this while being logged out. I can feel it. Call it my Mountain Sense. Call it a premonition. Call it low expectations from dealing with Seeking Alpha. Whatever it is, go log in.
Getting Upgraded From Limited Access
So you're stuck at "Limited Access"?
Well, we can fix that. This only takes a couple minutes of your time. However, it requires a human on our end to receive the email and update the database. After you finish the two minutes of work, you can relax while we handle the rest.
Insanely Difficult Step 1: Locate Your User Name On a Mostly White Page
Use the link below to get your SA user name:
Click here to get your Seeking Alpha user name.The page will look like this:

It's like "Where's Waldo" for paste-eaters. There are only a few things on the page.
Note: For mobile the layout is still similar. The "User Name" field will be after "Public Profile" begins.
Please don't tell me it is a dash. You can edit it. You can make it almost anything you want. Censorship police probably prevent really fun names. I don't know. The only reason you're setting it is so you can tell me what it is. Why not just leave it as a dash? Because I can't tell the difference between 50 members who have a dash for a username. True story. Dashes all look the same to me.
Now, you're going to need to remember this username for the next few steps.
Insanely Difficult Step 2: Remember Your Own Email Address
Now you're going to need to open your email. But not just any email address. You're going to use the SAME one that you used to sign into this website. That's really important. Before you say that sounds obvious, you should take a look at my inbox.
What if you forgot which email address you used to sign in on this website? That's more reasonable than it sounds. Our login lasts months (if you aren't clear cookies or hitting "log out"). We make it simple for people. It's basically the opposite of Rocket Chat. Raise your hand if the Rocket Chat app ever logged you out randomly at least 3 times in 7 days? If you were all in one room, you'd see more hands up than a Queen concert.
If you forgot your email address, then you absolutely must remember these two things:
1. After you click the following link, you can close the box by clicking literally anywhere other than the white box.
2. You're looking for your email address.
Ready? Here we go: click here to uncover your email address.
Insanely Difficult Step 3: Compose An Email
It was the bane of so many college students twenty years ago. I still remember it. BA 201: Business Communication. How much did that degree cost? And I worked in that field for under 4 months? Still a better investment than MPW.
From the email address you used to join this website, you're going to compose an email. I will help.
Title: "Hi, this is [insert YOUR SA username]. Upgrade please."
Note: Please spell it correctly. We can still find it, but it makes it easier.
Body: [Insert a random movie quote with no explanation.]
Now you can simply wait for us to upgrade the account and reply.
Note: Support doesn't know I changed the instructions to use his email address or that he will be getting movie quotes.
Bookmark This Page
Please bookmark THIS page.
You can always return to this page to reach the sheets.

Why Not Bookmark Some Other Page?
Four good reasons:
- The URL of the Google Sheets will change.
- You're already here.
- This page is designed to ensure every member can access the sheets.
- The jokes will occasionally be updated. Not often. Just whenever I feel like it.