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Secure REIT Forum Google Sheets Links

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Please bookmark THIS page.
You can always return to this page to reach the sheets.

We are using this process to prevent unauthorized access to the Google Sheets. Lately, we've had too many non-members try to steal access.

Logging In

  • If you are logged in, you will NOT see a black box below.
  • If you are not logged in, you WILL see a black below.
  • If you see it, follow the instructions inside the box.
⚠️ It appears you are in Reader Mode.⚠️
Please turn off reader mode for using our site. We invested in building a great experience for readers. Reader mode destroys many of the features we built to help readers.
🚨All our navigation tools? Gone. 🚨
🚨Signs if you need to login for access? Gone.🚨
🚨Instructions for how to get access? Gone.🚨
⚠️ Please disable your reader mode for this site.⚠️

If you believe you are not in reader mode, please send a screenshot to michael@thereitforum.com

The Black Box

For anyone who is not logged in, the black box was above this line.
If you followed the instructions and still see a black box, refresh the page.

Gaining Full Access

Many members already have full access. Do you?
IMPORTANT: Click here to find out.
If you see the trophy on that page, you're all set.

If you don't see the trophy, you'll want to email michael@thereitforum.com with your SA username. You can use the link below to get your SA username:

Click here to get your Seeking Alpha account name.

The page will look like this:

Note: For mobile the layout is still similar. The "User Name" field will be after "Public Profile" begins.

Let me know if there are any problems.

Easy Email Layout

Your letter should say:

"Hi, this is [insert your SA username]. Upgrade please."

Now you can simply wait for us to upgrade the account and reply.

This post is for paying subscribers only